Have a case study you’d like to share? Fill out the Case study summary form via the button below so that we can get in touch to discuss further.

Video case study: Department of Transport and Planning GIA on the Tram Plan program
Department of Transport and Planning share their experience doing a gender impact assessment on their program 'Delivering the Tram Plan'

Video case study: Corangamite Shire Council Infringements Policy
A video case study of a gender impact assessment for Corangamite Shire Council's Infringements Policy.

Case study: Improving public toilet access
The City of Port Phillip undertook a gender impact assessment when developing their 10-year Public Toilet Plan.

Case study: conducting a gender impact assessment on urban cooling community education
Kingston City Council assessed its Urban Cooling Community Education program and identified ways to improve the accessibility and reach of the program.

Case study: Developing trans and gender diverse services at BreastScreen Victoria
BreastScreen Victoria increased the inclusivity and accessibility of their programs and services for trans and gender diverse people as a result of their gender impact assessment.

Case study: Undertaking a gender impact assessment on place naming
Bass Coast Shire Council undertook a gender impact assessment on its public place names to address the gender imbalance of place naming and recognise the contribution many notable women have played.

Case study: Addressing the gendered and intersectional nature of loneliness at Monash City Council
Monash City Council conducted a gender impact assessment on their new Loneliness Framework and discovered that an intersectional approach is critical to addressing loneliness in the community.

Case study: Assessing the gendered nature of a mountain bike track in the City of Geelong
Geelong City Council conducted a gender impact assessment on mountain biking facilities, leading to recommendations for future open space planning.

Case study: Assessing the gendered impact of an aquatic centre
Glenelg Shire Council used gender impact assessments at Portland Leisure and Aquatic Centre to improve the user experience and attract new users of all genders.

Case study: Assessing the gendered nature of a regional council’s Community Grants Program
Horsham Rural City Council conducted a gender impact assessment on their Community Grants Program to improve access to the program by people of diverse genders and identities.

Case study: Applying a gender equality lens to childbirth & parenting education programs at Northern Health
Northern Health partnered with healthAbility to undertake a gender impact assessment on its existing Childbirth and Parenting Education Program.

Case study: assessing the gendered impacts of emergency management practices
The City of Casey partnered with Gender and Disaster Australia to undertake an intersectional gender impact assessment on their emergency management practices at evacuation centres.

Case studies for embedding gender impact assessments
How councils are using different approaches to embed assessments into their work.
Expanded gender impact assessment case studies
Case studies showing the step-by-step process.