Who can use this form
Use this form if you:
- work in a public sector body, Court Services Victoria, the Office of Public Prosecutions, or a duty holder prescribed by regulations (referred to as 'defined entity' in the Act and regulations), and
- are covered by an enterprise agreement or workplace determination, which contains a gender equality term which allows for the Commissioner’s involvement, and
- you are part of a class or group of employees, a union or employer who is involved in a dispute about a systemic gender equality issue arising under the enterprise agreement or workplace determination
Employees and unions
You must have taken the steps to raise your dispute directly with the employer and provided them with a reasonable opportunity to respond and the dispute (or elements) of it remain unresolved.
You must have made genuine attempts to resolve the matter in accordance with the relevant terms of your employee’s enterprise agreement or workplace determination, and the dispute (or elements) of it remain unresolved.
Where to get help
Commission staff cannot provide legal or employment advice to members of the public. However, Commission staff can give you general information on:
- the key obligations obligations in the Gender Equality Act 2020
- how the Commissioner can support in resolving disputes
- other organisations that may be able to assist you to resolve your issue
- guidance on how to complete this form
This form should be read in conjunction with the Guidance Note which can be found on our dispute resolution page.
If you have any queries or need help filling in this form, email the Commission: disputes@genderequalitycommission.vic.gov.au.
Next steps
Once we receive your application form, we will review it to see if the Public Sector Gender Equality Commissioner is able to help resolve the dispute. To make sure we can help, we may need to ask you for more information.
We will usually provide a copy of the form to the other party to the dispute and, if necessary, to others who have relevant information about the dispute.
Your personal information will be used and stored in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) and in line with our privacy policy.
Submit your online application