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Communities of practice

Connect with others to share gender equality ideas and goals.

The Commission works with communities of practice (CoPs) to support the implementation of the Gender Equality Act 2020 (the Act). A number of these are industry-specific CoPs that have been set up by defined entities.

See below for details of each CoP, including membership, meeting frequency and how to join a CoP in your sector.

Defined Entity Gender Equality Discussion Group

The Defined Entity Gender Equality Discussion Group meets monthly via Teams to support, collaborate and share learnings with a focus on gender equality. The membership is open to any staff member of a defined entity who is leading or working on Gender Equality Action Plans, gender impact assessments or other work that relates to the Act. Drop-in sessions outside of the discussion forum run from time to time to discuss particular topics of interest to some group members such as Gender Responsive Budgeting.

For more information, or to join the CoP, please contact one of the co-chairs:

Victorian Health Organisation Gender Equity Network

The Victorian Health Organisation Gender Equity Network (VHOGEN) collaborates over Teams and meets every 4-6 week to discuss pragmatic approaches to implementing gender equity initiatives in the Health Services environment. Membership is open to defined entities within the health sector. Topics of collaboration include data analysis, development of training and review of recruitment and promotion practices through a gender lens. The network also shares experiences on the implementation of gender impact assessments. Collection of diversity data from both workforce and patients is an emerging theme as is analysis and development of actions through an intersectional lens. Participants have valued connecting with like-minded professionals and supporting one another in what can be challenging but immensely rewarding work.

For more information, or to join the CoP, please contact one of the co-chairs:

Water Industry Diversity & Inclusion Steering Committee

The Water Industry Diversity & Inclusion Steering Committee (WIDISC) brings together representatives from each of the defined entities in the water sector to collaborate on gender equality work and provide a policy and advocacy role. Membership primarily consists of staff who are leading or implementing diversity and inclusion-related work within their entity. The group meets on a quarterly basis. For more information please contact:

Local Government Community of Practice

The Municipal Association of Victoria has set up the Local Government Gender Equality network. It supports staff within local councils who are leading or are involved in gender equality work under the Act through information sharing, collaboration and capability building.

Meetings take place monthly alternating between the first Wednesday and first Thursday each month.

Note: this network is separate from the MAV Prevention of Violence Against Women network.

For more information or to join, please contact the Commission at enquiries@genderequalitycommission.vic.gov.au

Gender Equality Higher Education Network

The Gender Equality Higher Education Network welcomes all staff across universities responding to the Act. The monthly network aims to be a useful, safe, online drop-in space to share insights, challenges, and experiences and seek solutions together. The discussion/attendance is not recorded, and Chatham House Rule applies. The Commission attends every 3 months to provide updates and support.

For more information, or to join the CoP, please contact:
