- Date:
- 23 Mar 2022
The purpose of this guide is to provide guidance for duty holders (called 'defined entities' in the Gender Equality Act 2020 (Act)) to support understanding and interpretation of the terms ‘policies’, ‘programs’ and ‘services’ and ‘direct and significant impact on the public’ within the Act.
This guidance will assist duty holders to determine which policies, programs and services are likely to have a direct and significant impact on the public. It focuses on how these terms apply to the obligation to undertake gender impact assessments. Understanding these terms will also help duty holders meet their duty to promote gender equality.
It is important to note that this is general advice designed to be broadly applicable to all duty holders. This means that each duty holder will need to consider how to apply it in its own organisational context.
What does the Act say?
Under section 7 of the Act (Duty to promote gender equality), a duty holder must — in developing policies and programs and in delivering services that are to be provided to the public, or have a direct and significant impact on the public:
- consider and promote gender equality; and
- take necessary and proportionate action towards achieving gender equality.
Under section 9 of the Act (Defined entity must undertake gender impact assessments), a duty holder must undertake a gender impact assessment when developing or reviewing any policy of, or program or service provided by, the entity that has a direct and significant impact on the public.
Please note: Victorian Government Departments preparing funding proposals for the 2023–24 state budget process are subject to particular gender impact assessment requirements. Please contact DTF for further information at genderresponsive.budgeting@dtf.vic.gov.au.
Advice for specific industries
You can read tailored advice for specific industries relating to obligations under the Act, including for determining when a gender impact assessment is required:
- Advice for local government
- Advice for universities
- Advice for public entities
- Advice for Victorian Public Sector agencies
Steps to follow
These will help you determine if a gender impact assessment is required under the Gender Equality Act (2020).
Consider the scope
What do policies, programs and services look like in my organisation?
Assess the impact
Which policies, programs and services have a direct and significant impact on the public?
Ask why not?
Even if not required under the Gender Equality Act, why not apply a gender impact assessment lens to other work?