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Prepare for the employee experience survey 2023

Use these resources and advice to help your organisation plan for and conduct an employee experience survey in 2023.

About the employee experience survey

Doing an employee experience survey helps your organisation show how much progress it has made on the seven gender equality indicators. This is required under section 19(3)(c) of the Gender Equality Act (2020).

The survey will ask questions about how your employees feel about:

  • organisational culture
  • gender equality
  • diversity
  • inclusion.

This information is important because it helps you gain a better understanding of the problem of gender inequality in your workplace. It will complement data you already have about your employees from your organisation’s workforce data. Together, this information gives a more complete picture of gender inequality in your workplace.

If your organisation is taking part in either:

  • the People matter survey run by the Victorian Public Sector Commission (VPSC) in 2023, or
  • the People matter survey for local government in 2023, also run by the VPSC
  • you don't have to do a separate experience survey.

For organisations taking part in these surveys, the VPSC will collect and share the data with the Commission on your behalf. If your organisation is not taking part in these surveys, we strongly recommend that you hire a third-party provider to collect employee experience data. This is because the data is sensitive.

Resources for organisations not using the 2023 People matter survey

Practice note for the Employee experience survey

The practice note is designed for organisations not using the 2023 People matter survey. It explains how to keep your employees safe and anonymous when doing the employee experience survey. It also has advice on when to do the survey, how to do it, survey specifications and suggestions for what to include in a contract when hiring a third-party provider. You will need this whether you hire a third party to do the survey or not.

Practice note for the Employee experience survey
Word 78.78 KB
Updated 3 May 2023
(opens in a new window)

Questions in the Employee experience survey

This is a list of all the questions for the 2023 employee experience survey. This list includes details about the response options you must provide to each question and which responses lead to follow-up questions. You must use these questions if you want to do a survey with your employees and your organisation is not doing the People matter survey or the People matter survey for local government in 2023. If you’re not taking part in either of these surveys, we strongly recommend that you hire a third-party provider to do the survey.

Questions in the 2023 Employee experience survey
Excel 35.12 KB
(opens in a new window)

Template to report your Employee experience data

This template is for submitting the results of your survey to the Commission, through our reporting platform. You must use this template to submit the results of the employee experience survey as part of your workplace gender audit. You can submit your completed template on the reporting platform.

You don't need to submit this template if you are participating in the People matter survey or the People matter survey for local government in 2023.

Reporting template for the 2023 Employee experience survey
Excel 1.11 MB
(opens in a new window)

Promotional materials for local government using the 2023 People matter survey for local government

If you’re taking part in the 2023 People matter survey for local government, you can download the promotional materials below. The resources and tips we have can be personalised for your organisation.

When you promote the survey, it tells your employees that:

  • their voice is important, and
  • your organisation is committed to workplace gender equality.

For help with this guide, email: enquiries@genderequalitycommission.vic.gov.au

Promotional guide

A step-by-step guide to promoting the People matter survey for local government.

Guide on how to promote your survey
Word 37.47 KB
(opens in a new window)

Suggested key messages

Key information about the 2023 survey experience.

Key messages
Word 34.57 KB
(opens in a new window)

Email templates

Email templates you can use to promote, invite employees to participate, and remind people of the survey.

Email templates
Word 43.85 KB
(opens in a new window)

News article

A news article you can tailor for your intranet to help promote the People matter survey for local government.

News article
Word 37.75 KB
(opens in a new window)

Speaking notes

Notes you can tailor for your senior leaders when they’re speaking about the People matter survey for local government.

Speaking notes
Word 45.39 KB
(opens in a new window)

Frequently Asked Questions

A set of questions and answers to support you to provide key details about the People matter survey for local government.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Word 37.61 KB
(opens in a new window)

Visual support materials

A range of visual support materials can be downloaded below in ZIP files. If you need help downloading the ZIP files, email: enquiries@genderequalitycommission.vic.gov.au


Set of 5 posters you can use to promote your survey. There are 2 versions of each poster. One version is ready to use, while the other has space for your organisation to add a QR code.

CGEPS People Matter Survey Posters ready to use (2022-05-16)
zip 17.3 MB
(opens in a new window)
CGEPS People Matter Survey posters - blank QR code
zip 17.54 MB
(opens in a new window)

Email signature banners

Set of 2 email signature banners you can use to promote your survey.

CGEPS People Matter Survey email banners
zip 109.88 KB
(opens in a new window)

Promotional images

Set of 3 promotional images you can use to promote your survey.

CGEPS People Matter Survey promotional images
zip 1.52 MB
(opens in a new window)

Splash screens

Set of 3 splash screens you can use to promote your survey at workstations across your organisation.

CGEPS People Matter Survey splash screens
zip 6.83 MB
(opens in a new window)
