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Gathering information and evidence is an important step when conducting gender impact assessments. Organisations can use the resources below to help them consider the different experiences of women, men and gender diverse people.
Society, economics and safety
Victorian Women’s Health Atlas
This Women’s Health Victoria resource provides gender-disaggregated data on key health and socioeconomic issues impacting Victorian women. This includes issues such as:
- violence against women,
- perceptions of safety, and
- other factors affecting the mental, physical and reproductive health of women.
The interactive maps allow users to visualise, track and compare selected health indicators across regions and local government areas in Victoria.
This resource from Informed Decisions’ Victoria Community Profile shows the employment status of women across different years. The tool allows you to compare data across different years to show the number of women:
- employed full-time,
- employed part-time,
- unemployed, and
- looking for work.
This Victorian Government resource reports on the status of gender equality in Victoria. It also provides the basis for tracking Victoria’s progress towards gender equality over time.
The Australian Bureau of Statistics uses economic and social indicators to measure gender equality. This includes the gender pay gap and life expectancy.
Employment by Occupation & Gender
The National Skills Commission has studied employment dynamics across different:
- genders,
- industries,
- occupations, and
- regions.
You can find information on the differences in working patterns and opportunities between genders. For example, participation and unemployment rates.
Employment by industry statistics
This 2019 resource by Parliament of Australia provides a snapshot of employment across industries.. This includes gender breakdowns of employment.
Australia’s gender equality scorecard (2020/21)
This resource provides key results from the Workplace Gender Equality Agency’s 2020-21 employer census.
Gender equality workplace statistics at a glance 2022
This Workplace Gender Equality Agency fact sheet shows the latest workplace gender statistics. It uses the latest data from Australian government sources and includes:
- workforce participation,
- economic security,
- educational attainment,
- paid parental leave, and
- women in leadership.
This Victorian Government resource reports on the status of gender equality in Victoria. It also provides the basis for tracking Victoria’s progress towards gender equality over time.
Gender Equality in Australia - Housing
This Equality Rights Alliance resource explains how gender can shape access to, and rights over, housing. It provides context to women’s experiences of economic inequality. For example, it shows how gender inequality can worsen in unaffordable housing markets.
Gender Wage Gap Statistics - A quick guide
This guide by Parliament of Australia shows an overview of gender wage gap statistics. This includes sample data sources and links to further information.
Australia’s Gender Pay Gap Statistics
This resource shows the gender pay gap broken down by:
- states and territories,
- industries,
- occupations,
- sectors, and
- age.
It uses the latest data from the Workplace Gender Equality Agency and the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
Modelling the value of unpaid work and care
This Deloitte resource shows statistics for the persistent gender inequality in unpaid work. It also shows the impact of this inequality on the participation of women in the paid labour market.
Living in Australia: The Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey
The HILDA survey provides, collected over time, on the lives of Australian residents. It includes data around:
- family dynamics,
- economic well-being,
- subjective well-being, and
- labour market dynamics.
Wage Developments in Australia
This resource provides information on the recent slowing of wage growth in Australia. It also compares male-dominated and female-dominated industries. It uses analyses from the Reserve Bank of Australia, the Federal Treasury, and other institutions.
This report from Monash University and Australian Super focuses on experiences and statistics around gendered superannuation poverty in Australia.
The National Foundation for Australian Women explains the gendered differences in reliance on housing assistance.
Superannuation account balances by age and gender
This resource from the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia explains the superannuation gap between people of different genders. It uses data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics Survey of Income and Housing.
This resource from the Victorian Agency for Health Information explains how LGBTIQ+ individuals, including transgender and gender-diverse people, are more likely than other Victorians to:
- have low household income,
- be unable to raise emergency funds, and
- experience food insecurity.
This Volunteering Victoria information sheet shows key facts and statistics about volunteering in Australia. It includes gendered differences in both time and organisation types.
These findings from the Australian Bureau of Statistics look at care in Australia. It shows the gendered differences relating to the proportion of people providing care.
Supporting Working Parents: Pregnancy and Return to Work National Review - Report
This resource from the Australian Human Rights Commission looks at caring roles and pregnancy discrimination in the workplace.
How Australians Use Their Time
This resource from the Australian Bureau of Statistics looks at how people use their time in Australia. It shows the gendered differences in unpaid work, such as:
- domestic duties,
- childcare,
- adult care, and
- volunteering activities.
This has important implications for the role of sustainability in the home.
Victoria's Prison Population 2005-2016
The Sentencing Advisory Council’s report examines trends and key data on Victoria’s prison population. This includes differences between genders.
Violence against people with disability in Australia
This resource from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare shows the rates of violence against people with disabilities and different genders in Australia.
The Northern Integrated Family Violence Services Partnership provides advice and resources to support culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) women and children who are victim-survivors of family violence. It also discusses community barriers and enablers to seeking support. This can be translated into inclusive policy development.
Access to universal services for family violence support
This resource from Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor explains how services for children and young people experiencing family violence are inadequate. It also highlights the experiences of victim-survivors, and advocates for clearer service systems for victim survivors.
Personal Safety survey (2021-2022)
This Australian Bureau of Statistics reports on women’s and men’s experiences of violence, abuse, and harassment.
National Community Attitudes towards Violence Against Women Survey - 2021 key findings
This survey was conducted by Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety. It shows community understanding and attitudes towards violence against women and gender equality. This information includes influential factors and trends over time.
Understanding Violence, Facts and Figures
Our Watch provides an introduction to understanding violence against women. This resource provides key statistics and explains the impacts and costs of violence against women. It also highlights the relationship between gender inequality and intersectionality.
Health status, risks, and care
Health behaviours and risk factors of Australia's women
This resource from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare provides data on lifestyle and risk factors experienced by women. This includes:
- physical activity,
- diet,
- weight and obesity,
- smoking,
- illicit substance use, and
- violence.
Road Safety Statistics: Lives Lost - Year to Date
The Transport Accident Commission provides statistics on the number of lives lost on Victorian roads. This is sorted by various factors, including gender.
Serving up inequality: How sex and gender impacts women’s relationship with food
This resource from Women’s Health Victoria looks at various aspects of women’s health relating to food. These include:
- the impacts of nutritional deficiency,
- the links between nutrition and chronic disease, and
- women’s food-related behaviours.
This resource from The University of Queensland explores how the pandemic affected work/life outcomes for Australian women and men.
The Impact of COVID-19 on Women
This United Nations resource explains how women have been impacted by COVID-19. This includes:
- compounded economic impacts,
- negative health outcomes,
- and an increase in unpaid care work and family violence.
It also discusses ways to address these impacts, which can be applied to gender impact assessments.
How do Australian women access care
This resource from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare provides data on how women access services such as:
- Medicare,
- primary health care,
- private health insurance, and
- hospital care.
Unpacking the Man Box: Impact of attitudes on young Australian men’s behaviours and wellbeing
This resource from The Men’s Project explains how attitudes towards masculinity can negatively affect men. For example,. self-sufficiency, acting tough, aggression, and control. This study examines the impact of these attitudes on the health of men, and the messages men receive which perpetuate these views.
Improving the health and wellbeing of LGBTIQ+ people
This World Health Organisation resource looks at physical and cultural barriers to accessing universal services experienced by LGBTIQ+ people, including gender-diverse and transgender individuals. These barriers include:
- discrimination and stigma,
- lack of knowledge and understanding, and
- infrastructure failing to meet their needs.
Transgender and gender diverse inclusive-care guide
This resource is provided by the Zoe Belle Gender Collective and The Royal Melbourne Hospital. It explains how gender-diverse people are less likely to seek preventative, primary health and emergency care when they need it. It explains this is largely due to fear of transphobic harassment.
Mental health: prevalence and impact
This Australian Institute of Health and Welfare resource provides detailed, up to date statistics and information on the impact of mental health and mental health services. This includes impacts on people of different genders.
Snapshot of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Statistics for LGBTIQ+ People
This resource from LGBTIQ+ Health Australia looks at mental health in LGBTIQ+ individuals. Compared to their peers, LGBTIQ+ people experience poorer mental health outcomes and have higher risk of suicidal behaviours.
Suicide prevention in culturally and linguistically diverse communities
This resource from Life in Mind discusses the unique identities of Australia’s culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) population. This includes diverse understandings of mental health and suicide. It explains the importance of acknowledging multicultural differences, past trauma and experiences of discrimination. These issues are integral to effective suicide prevention strategies.
This Victorian Government resource reports on the status of gender equality in Victoria. It also provides the basis for tracking Victoria’s progress towards gender equality over time.
The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare provides several resources around the life expectancy and health of Australians. This includes information on gender.
The health of Australia’s women
This report from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare examines how people of different genders experience different health outcomes.
Victorian Population Health Survey 2022
This is the annual assessment of health status and wellbeing provided by the Department of Health. It provides data for key population health indicators and compares experiences between people of different genders.
Births, Deaths and Marriages - Research and data services
Births, Deaths and Marriages Victoria provides a detailed record of Victorian population and societal trends.
Cancer in Victoria - Statistics and Trends 2020
The Cancer Council Victoria provides information and data on the prevalence of cancer, associated deaths, and the years of potential life lost to cancer. This information is broken down by gender and across time, within Victoria.
This Australian Institute of Health and Welfare provides statistics on the leading causes of death. These statistics are broken down by gender and age.
Sport and recreation
This Clearinghouse for Sport resource explores how women are under-represented in organised sport. This includes as participants, coaches, officials, administrators, and board-members. It provides links, research, and articles related to women’s experiences in sport. This information includes factors that influence:
- participation,
- equity,
- policies and programs, and
- supporting structures that facilitate women’s participation in sports.
This resource by Change Our Game helps inform best-practice and promotion of women’s participation in sport and recreation in Victoria.
Quick wins checklist for sporting clubs
VicHealth developed this checklist for the ten most powerful, simple, and often zero-cost ideas that sporting clubs can easily implement. While simple, they are proven to make a difference in shaping role models and busting stereotypes.
A Level Playing Field: The case for investing in women’s sport
Victoria University explains how the underrepresentation of women means sporting clubs and organisations miss out on the many benefits of gender diversity. This resource can help sporting industries expand their audience, increase viewership, and engage different communities in sport.
This VicSport resource helps clubs to build healthy and inclusive sporting environments for women and gender-diverse people. It does so from an intersectional perspective.
This research report from the Centre for Multicultural Youth helps foster an understanding of diversity in junior sport. It looks at the intersecting factors that are relevant to understanding diversity and sport in society, such as:
- gender,
- ability, and
- race and ethnicity.
Urban design and public spaces
Handbook for Gender-Inclusive Urban Planning and Design
The World Bank explains the relationships between:
- gender inequality,
- the built environment, and
- urban planning and design.
It provides simple, practical processes and best practices for urban planning and design projects to create more inclusive cities. It approaches this from both an intersectional and a gendered perspective.
Gender Equity in Design Guidelines
This City of Whittlesea resource shows how community facility settings, key design elements and gender equity principles are connected. This guide helps you to apply a gender equity lens during the different phases for planning community facilities.
Inclusive cities and breastfeeding
La Trobe University explores the barriers that parents face when looking for safe spaces to breastfeed while in public. The resource explains the negative effects of not providing these inclusive spaces for breastfeeding parents, and it also encourages offering a variety of options for parents.
This Community Crime Prevention fact sheet helps you to design community safety projects that consider gender and intersectionality. It discusses how the look and feel of a public space improves the experiences and perceptions of safety in public spaces for marginalised communities.
Gender-responsive urban planning and design
This UN-Habitat resource helps you understand gendered concerns and needs in urban planning and design. It supports transformative gender equality through encouraging gender-sensitive projects and programs. It also encourages monitoring progress over time.
Creating safe and inclusive public spaces for women
This report from Women’s Health East explains how the design of public spaces is important in creating spaces that are safe, welcoming and accessible for women. It also looks at women’s experiences in public spaces. It highlights the importance of women’s voices and expertise in creating spaces that are safe and inclusive for everyone.
The ABC explores how the COVID-19 pandemic has further negatively impacted women and gender-diverse people’s experiences of safety in public spaces. It discusses the findings of the YouGov survey conducted by Plan International Australia. It explores these from an intersectional and gendered perspective.
On the go: How women travel around our city
This study from the City of Sydney discusses women’s mobility needs. It outlines the facilitators and barriers shaping women’s transport. It makes recommendations to support their walking and cycling.
Gendered restrooms and minority stress
The UCLA discusses a survey of transgender and gender-diverse people’s experiences in public restrooms. It explains the barriers, harassment and negative experiences faced. It also recommends changes to public policies and administration. These changes can help address some of these issues and inequalities.
More than just a bathroom sign: How design can become more inclusive
The Australian Design Review explains how the pictogram of men and women often used for bathroom signs can be exclusionary. It explores why these designs are used, and their effects. It also facilitates ideas for rethinking design.
Department of Transport and Planning tip sheets for gender impact assessments
The Department of Transport and Planning worked with The Equality Institute to develop some helpful tip sheets for their workforce to apply a gender lens to transport planning and consider the gendered differences in journeys, safety, and toilet and change room facilities.
Plan International explores the stories of girls and young women who have experienced harassment and violence in public.
Tertiary students’ public transport safety in Melbourne, Australia
This report from University of Melbourne summarises students’ perceptions of public transport safety. It discusses the extremely high rates of victimisation that women and LGBTIQ+ students experience on public transport. It shares these experiences from a gendered and intersectional perspective. The report makes recommendations to address these issues.
This report from the FIA Foundation discusses the impacts of low personal security on public transport. It discusses the extent of harassment, particularly against women. It also identifies potential responses.
COVID-19 and ensuring safe transport with and for women and girls
This resource from UN Women shows how COVID-19 has impacted women’s safety on public transport. It includes examples of strategies to increase women’s safety. It also makes recommendations for how different sectors can work together to improve women’s mobility.
Rethinking public transportation for women’s safety and security
This resource from ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability describes how people of different genders have different travel patterns and needs. It helps to increase understanding of the different travel needs of women and gender-diverse people.
Kerbside collection deep dive (PDF, 1.97MB)
Infrastructure Victoria explains the challenges faced by Victorians to recycling and sustainability. It contains information around gendered and intersectional experiences.
How Australians Use Their Time
This resource from the Australian Bureau of Statistics looks at how people use their time in Australia. It shows the gendered differences in unpaid work, such as:
- domestic duties,
- childcare,
- adult care, and
- volunteering activities.
This has important implications for the role of sustainability in the home.
Gender-specific consumption patterns, behavioural insights, and the circular economy
This OECD resource describes how sustainability practices impacts women. It describes the gendered differences in the division of household responsibilities and patterns of consumption. It explains how this relates to the negative side-effects of unsustainable consumption.
Respect and Equality in TAFE: Building a TAFE environment that promotes gender equality and respect
This OurWatch guide provides insight on TAFE’s role in preventing violence against women. It introduces different approaches. It outlines where to start and where to focus. It also provides tools and resources to support implementation.
This review from VOCEDplus examines the concept of equity in the Australian Vocational Education and Training (VET) system. It shows how approaches to achieving gender equality within the VET system have changed. It also explores gendered and intersectional experiences within the VET system.
Time for respect: Survey on sexual harassment in Australian workplaces
This Australian Human Rights Commission resource explores the fifth national survey on sexual harassment in Australian workplaces. It investigates the prevalence, nature and reporting of sexual harassment. This resource will be relevant for TAFEs and courses involving student placement.
The Evaluation of the Victorian Women in Construction Strategy Program
This resource from the Victorian government and University of Melbourne looks at the Women in Construction Strategy Program. It evaluates how the program helps to attract, recruit and keep women in on-site construction roles in Victoria. It makes a number of findings and recommendations. These may be valuable for TAFEs and courses involving student placement.
Report on the prevalence of sexual harassment and sexual assault among university students in 2021
This resource from the Social Research Centre provides a snapshot of the prevalence of sexual assault and harassment within universities. This includes gendered data. It provides information around the number of reports and what support is available. It also describes how universities can reduce incidents of sexual harassment and assault.
Gender Indicators Education Data
This Australian Bureau of Statistics resource provides gender-based comparisons in education. This includes tertiary and non-school qualifications.
An unfair start: Inequality in children’s education in rich countries
This UNICEF resource shows how children can be negatively affected by intersecting forms of inequality in school. It explains how these inequalities can be made worse by educational policies and practices which reinforce the gaps between disadvantaged groups and their peers.
Government school student attendance rates by sex, indigenous status and year level (2020)
This Victorian Government dataset provides information on attendance rates of students by gender.
Secondary education: School retention and completion (2021)
This resource from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare includes information around school retention rates. It shows change by gender over time.
Investing in women – grants and procurement
Gender-wise philanthropy: Strengthening society by investing in women and girls
This resource from the Australian Women Donors Network shows the benefits in addressing economic and social disadvantage faced by women and girls. It encourages the funding of projects that specifically invest in women and girls.
This resource from Australians Investing in Women shows how programs affect people of different genders in different ways. It explains how programs that seem gender-neutral can may exclude some people and reinforce inequalities.
7 ways to reduce bias in grant funding
This article from Good Grants discusses the different kinds of bias which can affect grants decision-making. It also explains ways to combat these biases and promote gender equality in this space.
Gender equality in procurement
This article from the Government of Western Australia discusses how government procurement can help create behaviour change and progress gender equality through improving women’s employment and economic outcomes. It provides additional resources to support gender equality in procurement activities.
This resource from UN Women explains how gender-responsive procurement is critical for gender equality and women’s empowerment. It includes guides for promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment in the workplace, marketplace, and the community.
Gender equitable procurement and supply chains
This Workplace Gender Equality Agency research paper explores gender-equitable procurement and supply chain processes. It identifies practical actions that governments and procuring organisations have taken to increase gender equality in procurement. This includes buying from women-owned businesses or supporting gender equality in organisations in their supply chain.