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Disputes the Commissioner can resolve

How the Commissioner can help resolve workplace gender equality issues.

On this page

Sometimes employees and employers might need help resolving workplace gender equality issues.

This is why the Gender Equality Act 2020 provides the Commissioner with certain powers to help resolve systemic workplace gender equality issues. These powers came into effect on 31 March 2021.

Your enterprise agreement or workplace determination may have a gender equality clause which provides the Commissioner with the power to help resolve systemic gender equality issues in your organisation.

The gender equality clause will set out how the Commissioner will assist the parties in resolving systemic workplace gender equality issues.

You may wish to speak to your relevant Human Resources or People and Culture team to determine if your enterprise agreement contains this type of clause.

Process for resolving disputes

Guidance and forms

Dispute Resolution Function – Guidance Note

You can read the Guidance Note for further detail on the types of disputes the Commissioner can help to resolve and learn more about the process and possible outcomes.

Internal resolution form – raising a dispute with your employer

This form can be used to lodge your dispute with your employer to resolve at the workplace level prior to applying to the Commissioner.

Application form – referring a dispute to the Commissioner

This form can be filled in electronically or by hand and emailed to disputes@genderequalitycommission.vic.gov.au.

Alternatively, you can fill in the online application form by clicking the button below:

Apply to the Commissioner to resolve your dispute
