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Ask why not?

Even if not required under the Gender Equality Act (2020), why not apply a gender impact assessment lens to other work?

Even when certain policies, programs and services are considered not to have a direct and significant impact on the public, applying a gender impact assessment lens is still best-practice.

As your defined entity becomes more familiar and comfortable with the concepts and process of gender impact assessment, we expect that it will become a business-as-usual practice. Where possible, think creatively. You might identify new ways to incorporate gender impact assessment across the organisation and help ensure that your work is making a difference to gender equality outcomes.


Even if a policy, program or service is not considered to have a direct and significant impact on the public, a defined entity may still be required to consider and promote gender equality and take necessary and proportionate action to achieve gender equality as part of the development of the policy, program or service under section 7 of the Gender Equality Act (2020) – Duty to promote gender equality.

Further guidance about the duty to promote gender equality is available on the Commission’s website.
