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Workplace gender equality indicators

This section will support you to report on your defined entity's progress against the workplace gender equality indicators under the Gender Equality Act 2020.

Reporting on progress in relation to the workplace gender equality indicators will:

  • Help the Commissioner to assess your organisation's compliance with the requirement to make 'reasonable and material progress' on the gender equality indicators; and
  • Help you determine if the strategies and measures in your GEAP have translated into measurable change. This information will assist you to further develop and tailor your GEAP strategies and measures.

To meet workplace gender equality indicator progress reporting obligations, please use the progress report template and refer to worksheet 3 Indicators.

What you need to do

  1. Complete your progress audit and analyse the data.
  2. Demonstrate your progress against each indicator.

  1. Refer to and draw on the Commissioner’s recommendations to guide the analysis of your progress audit data.
  2. Identify and discuss any of the factors that have affected your organisation's progress in relation to the workplace gender equality indicators.


Requirement 1

Complete your progress audit and analyse the data.

Before completing worksheet 3 Indicators in the progress report template, you need to first undertake a progress audit. A 'progress audit' requires you to demonstrate your progress in relation to the workplace gender equality indicators by collecting, comparing and submitting updated information to the Commissioner.

Progress audit 2023 guidance can be found on the Commissioner’s website. It will assist you to collect the recommended information and submit your progress audit data and compare it with your 2021 workplace gender audit results.

Requirement 2

Demonstrate your progress against each indicator

Following your progress audit, you will need to indicate if your organisation has made progress against each indicator. You will then need to explain why changes (or lack of changes) in your data either do or do not represent progress. You must complete the following sections of the template against each of the indicators listed in column B:

  • In column C, select ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to indicate whether your organisation has made progress against a workplace gender equality indicator.
  • In column D, explain why you believe changes in your data do or do not represent progress against each indicator.

In your explanation, you should refer to any quantitative changes in the data between your previous workplace gender audit and your progress audit. You may also wish to refer to qualitative changes you have observed.


Recommendation 1

Refer to and draw on the Commissioner’s recommendations to guide the analysis of your progress audit data.

Your progress audit includes a range of data that you will need to analyse and discuss in your progress report. You may wish to refer to the Commissioner’s recommendations about what data to consider analysing under each of the indicators. You can find these recommendations in the accordion at the bottom of this page.

These recommendations will help you understand if you have made progress against the indicators. They may also assist the Commissioner in their assessment of your progress. Please note, the below approaches are suggestions only and are not intended to be prescriptive.

For each indicator, you are encouraged to:

  • compare the data collected in your previous workplace gender audit and your progress audit. Then, consider whether your results show progress against each indicator;
  • comment on any notable changes;
  • discuss specific and relevant data from your previous audit and your progress audit to support your self-assessment as to whether you have made progress;
  • identify and discuss any areas where inequality appears to have notably increased; and
  • where practicable, consider whether progress is consistent across intersecting forms of disadvantage and discrimination. This includes in relation to Aboriginality, age, disability, ethnicity, gender identity, race, religion, sexual orientation, and other attributes.

For more detailed advice on how to analyse your audit data, the Commissioner encourages you to review the below guidance note prepared for the 2021 workplace gender audit.

Analysing your workplace gender audit results - Guidance note
PDF 1.41 MB
(opens in a new window)

Recommendation 2

Identify and discuss any of the factors that have affected your organisation's progress in relation to the workplace gender equality indicators.

Defined entities must make ‘reasonable and material progress’ in relation to the workplace gender equality indicators.

The Commissioner must take the following factors into account when determining whether a defined entity has made reasonable and material progress:

  1. the size of the organisation, including the number of employees
  2. the nature and circumstances of the organisation, including any barriers to making progress
  3. requirements that apply to the organisation under any other Act, including an Act of the Commonwealth
  4. the organisation’s resources
  5. the organisation’s operational priorities and competing operational obligations
  6. the practicability and cost to the organisation of making progress; and
  7. genuine attempts made by the organisation to make progress.

Your are encouraged to use the drop-down in columns E-K of the template to indicate whether or not you believe one or more of the factors above has affected your organisation’s progress against each indicator. Column L of the template allows you to discuss the factors that you have applied to each indicator. If you selected multiple factors, you may discuss each separately, or in general terms.

Commissioner's recommendations for analysis
