On Monday 3rd March we will be making some changes to our website. We apologise for any disruptions, and thank you for your patience.
Medical staff taking a break

Step 4: Recommendation

The final step in the gender impact assessment process is to make a final recommendation based on your analysis.

You should explain the rationale for the recommendation you have proposed. For example, in line with the Gender Equality Act, you could explain:

  • how your recommendation meets the needs of people of different genders
  • addresses gender inequality
  • promotes gender equality.

Use your analysis in Step 3 (Template 3).

If you have identified any potential risks in relation to your proposed policy, service or program (see Template 3), it is a good idea to include mitigation strategies that could be used to avoid any harmful unintended outcomes.

Record your recommendation in Template 4. Having a formal record of your recommendation and the rationale for your decision is important. This can be used in reporting and to demonstrate compliance with your obligations under the Gender Equality Act.

The recommendation in relation to the example that has been used throughout this toolkit is below. This provides an idea of the type of rationale and mitigation strategies that could be included.

Practical example for Step 4


It is recommended that action is taken to address the current congestion during peak times on the main road. Additionally, based on the findings from the gender impact assessment, it is also recommended that action is taken to address the needs of pedestrians, predominantly women, using the walkway alongside the road.

Specifically, it is recommended that:

  • Rather than increasing the number of lanes for car traffic, the pedestrian walkway is improved alongside the main road with “drop kerbs” for pedestrian, pram and disabled road crossing, a cycle way created and a pedestrian bridge installed to enable pedestrian access to the maternal health service. Given the majority of pedestrians are women, particularly mothers, this will address the current gender inequality in the focus on road maintenance.
  • A campaign is launched with employers in the business district to encourage car-pooling, staggered start times and cycling as a means of travelling to and from work. This aims to decrease congestion without impacting on pedestrian access and will also have an environmental benefit. A committee comprised of people of all genders from the residential area will support with monitoring the impact of the campaign. This will promote gender equality in local decision-making.

Final checklist

Check that you have taken all the necessary steps to apply a gender lens to your work, so you can be confident it meets the different needs of all Victorian community members and supports equal access to resources and opportunities.

Have you:

  • challenged your own assumptions and identified gaps in gender knowledge? (Step 1).
  • worked with your team to identify who is likely to be impacted by this policy, program or service and what gendered factors might influence the way different community members are impacted? (Step 1).
  • conducted desktop research and analysed gender-disaggregated statistics to investigate how issues of gender, cultural identity, ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, age or religion might shape how your policy, program or service is implemented or experienced? (Step 2).
  • undertaken collaborative approaches to consultation and engagement to understand access to, and experience of the policy, program or service and/or co-design a solution? (Step 2).
  • developed an option or options for your proposed policy, program or service that improves the gender-related benefits and costs? (Step 3).
  • made a recommendation with rationale for your approach which considers how your recommendation meets the needs of people of different genders, addresses gender inequality, and promotes gender equality? (Step 4).
