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1. Introduction to the GIA training

Welcome to The Equality Institute's Gender Impact Assessment training for defined entities. This training will go through your obligations under The Gender Equality Act 2020 for your Gender Impact Assessments.

The Equality Institute are a global feminist agency working to advance gender equality and end violence against women and girls. We bring together research, policy design and creative communications to achieve our vision of a world in which diversity is celebrated, all people are respected, and power and resources are shared. To give you a sense of why we're really well placed to take you through this training today, we actually played a leading role in developing, piloting, evaluating and revising the Gender Impact Assessment toolkit, which we'll be working through together, and that is now on the Commission's website.

To be really clear what it is, we'll be going through in terms of your obligations for the Gender Impact Assessment. Under The Gender Equality Act 2020, the public sector are now required to demonstrate meaningful progress towards gender equality. It's going to require you to do that in a couple of ways. One is through your internal work in the workplace, so your Gender Equality Action Plan (GEAP), gender equality strategies and measures, your Workplace Gender Audit. Those are not going to be covered today in these training modules. What we will be looking at and focusing on is that work that you do in the communities, so that external work on your Gender Impact Assessments, which you'll be required to do on all of your programs, policies and services that have a direct and significant impact on the public.
